

Mastering API Access Control: A Deep Dive into AWS Verified Permissions
API Access Control , AWS , AWS Verified
AWS , AWS Environment , EC2 Instances
AWS , AWS Cloud

How YASH protects our customers across the AWS cloud journey

By Ashish Maheshwari Mahipal Kirupanithy

AWS Architectures , AWS Architectures Benefits
AWS Launch Wizard , SAP Migration , SAP On AWS

Maximizing SAP Migration with AWS Launch Wizard: Features, Considerations, and Troubleshooting

By Ashish Maheshwari Bhavani Sankar Rajasekharuni Naga Manasa Surikuchi

AWS , AWS Transfer , FTP Secure
AWS , AWS RDS , AWS Relational Database Service
API , AWS , Digital Evolution
AWS , AWS EC2 , Windows Workload Migration