
Digital Transformation , Stretegis Technology Change , Value-stream Mapping
SMAC IT – Value Stream Mapping Pertinent in Today’s Digital Age
By Lakshmi Nanduri

Digitalization Of Pharmaceutical , Indian Pharma Market , Pharma Industry , R&D
The changing landscape of the Indian Pharma Industry
By Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian

Chemical , Digital And Automation , Digital Technology , IoT , Machine Learning

SAP CO-Pilot , SAP Digital Assistant , SAP S/4HANA
SAP’s Digital Assistant – CO-Pilot
By Vamsi krishna

AI , Artificial Intelligenc , Chatbots , Chatbots In SuccessFactors , HCM , SAP , SuccessFactors
The future world of Chatbots in SuccessFactors – Kore.ai
By Poorna Chandra Murthy Akurathi

Digital Transformation , Exponential Organizations , Service Management

AI , Artificial Intelligence , Chatbot , Machine Learning , MI , Virtual Private Assistants , VPA
The Chatbot world
By Hemanth Kanakagiri

AI , Artificial Intelligence , Logistic Regression , Machine Learning , MI
Writing Logistic Regression from Scratch
By Anchit Jain

AI , ANN , Artificial Intelligence , Artificial Neuron Network , Machine Learning , MI
Creating a simple dog vs cat image classifier using Keras
By Anchit Jain

AI , Artificial Intelligence , Logistic Regression , Machine Learning , MI , Spam Messages Detector
Building a spam messages detector using Machine Learning
By Anchit Jain

Cloud Manufacturing , Digital Manufacturing Insights , SAP
Digitalization of Manufacturing
By Vamsi krishna

Digital Transformation , Exponential Organizations , Service Management