Automation SAP

SAP CoPilot- Intelligent Virtual Digital Assistant for Enterprise

By: | Vamsi krishna

Publish Date: August 1, 2017

Whenever we hire any personal assistant, we look forward to many qualities and skills. We watch the person who is familiar with the business, having analytical skills and also give some suggestion. Could this be possible through a virtual entity? Though the scenario seems unreal. It is going to be reality soon with an application having the functionality of a digital assistant with artificial intelligence. We are looking at an application with the functionality where it interacts with the user in a meaningful and efficient way, it answers all his questions, requests, analyzes them and also helps the user to schedule his day to day activities. This is where innovation begins.


SAP CoPilot was introduced into the market as digital assistant recently. SAP is taking the ERP to the next level where we can chat, ask questions and give instructions just like we give to the personal assistant. So the information is exchanged with the SAP CoPilot which in turn would encode, analyze and would be executed actions in the form of reports, dashboards or present us in some meaningful way. So it would guide the user to take decisions based on the data available in the real time. It also helps you efficiently collaborate, supporting issue resolution and follow-ups and helps you take immediate action.
The first cut of SAP CoPilot has been released in S4 HANA 1705 cloud version. SAP Fiori applications can take advantage of many SAP CoPilot features without additional development effort because SAP CoPilot is already smart enough to support a set of features on its own.
The various features of CoPilot are:

  1. The user can create notes while using the app; the details can be retrieved when the user returns to the same app later.
  2. The user can take the screenshots and attach, share. By clicking on the screen shot, we can navigate to the app directly with the same filter parameters.
  3. Communicate with other users via text, gesture or voice.
  4. Based on your requirement or your role can display the information on the screen like the monthly report or quarterly sales report etc. Again it can also help generate a business object with minimal inputs
  5. It helps you to take decisions or provide insights for making necessary decision.
  6. With a predefined logic or business rules and gradually learning from the behavioral data, it starts recommending which is the next best action to be taken.
  7. Through this, we can invite different persons to explore or investigate the BO outputs
  8. We can chat with others individuals in the same window and also schedule meetings.

SAP CoPilot is a part of the FIORI launchpad as an optional component of FIORI 2.0.
SAP is planning to add some more features to this functionality down the road and making it real digital assistant for the business. SAP CoPilot will be more interactive and will be learning from you, your roles, and what access do we have, in SAP systems. This learning and context will be another added layer of personalization and intelligent assistant. Thus making SAP CoPilot more and more suited to how we go about our work day. It adapts to you as an individual and the way we work. SAP CoPilot is a work in progress.
SAP CoPilot is not purely natural language but rather a multi-modal interaction that will support graphical user interface elements, gestures, and so forth. It will ease adoption for users and their movements, and artificial intelligence will drive interactions. The world is moving in that direction and will help crystallize the vision for SAP CoPilot in the enterprise as the personification of machine learning across SAP products.
SAP CoPilot is SAP’s first step toward bringing that experience—and all its benefits—to the organization. SAP CoPilot is intuitive, intelligent and contextualized behind the scenes.
Vamsi krishna Solution Architect @ YASH Technologies

SAP® Fiori provides the flexibility that the enterprise demands.

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