AMS Shared Services

How emerging and mid-market companies are leveraging AMS Shared Service

By: | Srikanth Karunam

Publish Date: August 1, 2020

Like all businesses, emerging and mid-market companies are constantly met with new challenges and invent new strategies to flourish within the modern digital economy. From managing cash flow, maintaining essential run-the-business operations to taking care of employee engagement and resource utilization – they need to balance it all while simultaneously meeting the fluctuating customer needs and market volatilities.
As we dive into the benefits of Shared Services model in the IT Application Management support space for mid-market companies, let us first look at the key drivers that particularly make the mid-market companies go for such services:
  • Multi-Technology landscape :Mid-market like large enterprises have the same business processes implemented in their IT landscape however the transaction count or the scale does differ meaning their IT landscape matches a large organization but may be not their volumes
  • Geographic presence: While the geographic spread is vast and matches a large enterprise, volumes might be thinly spread across
  • Complex business process: With a constant goal to catchup or surpass a large organization, Mi-market companies constantly reinvent their business models in a bid to grab their piece of market share, as a side effect their business process keep getting complex and so are their IT systems
  • Resource utilization: With low work volumes and multiple business processes MSME companies keep finding their IT resources less utilized

The Evolution: over the years Shared Services has evolved from being Discrete services – catering as a low cost back office function to more matured Integrated business services. This had a fair share of progression on the other key aspects like:

  • Geographic: Hub and spoke model to satisfy local needs, Captive Shared Services are outsourced in certain geographies
  • Operating Model: Moving up the value chain and getting closer to the customer, increasingly operating as high-performance businesses and moving to multi-function models
  • Organization trends: Shared services are increasingly becoming independent entities and functional leaders are leading cross functional processes
  • Technology: Cloud adoption, use of analytics, automation and AI are increasingly becoming key enablers in business outcomes running on shared services

How AMS Shared Services is delivering support services at low cost and enriched value:
The key to a successful application support – irrespective of the size of business – is a deep, transparent partnership, a shared vision and a shared transformation roadmap to realize that vision. Following are some of the latest trending topics that are helping MSME companies derive value at a reduced spend and thereby making it a go-to-model:

  • Technology Driven: Any Shared services in the modern day to be successful need a technology platform that enables the service function to run and report in a consistent and transparent manner
  • Delivering Value: The key things customers are getting in this model is not just the support services at reduced cost but are also value by enable continuous service improvements, proactive problem management, use of automation and propagating self-healing systems
  • Cost effective: By effective utilization of resources based on the work volumes MSME companies are getting huge benefit by optimum spend on resources both on human capital and IT Applications – with the onset of Cloud, pay as you use services focus has shifted to right spend for the right value
  • Agile: The dynamic nature of MSME sector makes it more imperative to bring in methodologies that are scalable and easily customized to the business needs, with customer focus

At YASH for instance, we have taken our service offering to mid-market companies by addressing the challenges faced by the industry as well as imbibing the latest trends to make it an offering that is holistic, key highlights include:

  • Customer focused support
    • Flexible models
    • Agility
    • Knowledge Management – CoE capability
  • Innovative pricing models – bringing ease and transparency to our customers
    • Lowering the total cost of ownership to free up funds for innovation
  • IT enabled governance
    • Embedding complete governance and visibility over applications
  • 24/7 delivery models
  • Value-driven SLA’s
  • Location agnostic services

With AMS Shared Services, businesses can spend more time innovating, collaborating, streamlining IT and act agile – accelerating business initiatives and decreasing IT spend.

Do more with less

The changes underway in the global marketplace have radically transformed how customers around the world want more utility dramatically at reduced service costs. Cost innovation, innovating on how to continuously optimize and reduce operation and support costs, therefore, will be vital in making this step change.

Leveraging AMS Shared Services models, YASH consultants can help you take a fresh look at your IT landscape and cost structure, innovate and help you do more with less – in real-time, with agility and from anywhere.

Learn more about YASH AMS Shared Services and success stories, or here to download the brochure.

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