Cloud Microsoft

Citrix XenDesktop Essentials services

By: | Shiv Kishan Suthar

Publish Date: February 23, 2018

A New Citrix Cloud service accelerates Windows 10 Enterprise migration with the power of XenDesktop and Microsoft Azure
The following content is a brief and key feature delivering virtual desktop services from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace by Citrix Cloud XenDesktop essentials service before de-ploying in a PoC, Pilot or production environment. The content of this blog is based on own personal assessment and do not necessarily conform to industry descriptions.

About Citrix XenDesktop Essentials

Windows 10 migration, simplifies on Azure with Citrix XenDesktop Essentials, it expedites desktop deployment and streamlines on-going management at scale while delivering a rich user experience, Simplify access from any device and any place. Citrix Cloud as the first service to be available exclusively in the Azure Marketplace, Citrix and Microsoft deliver a single interface for configuring and managing the new XenDesktop Essentials Service and the associated Azure infrastructure side-by-side. Delivery in mind with cost and speed, XenDesktop Essentials service is designed to simplify day-to-day operations and reduce the upfront capital expense of migrating to Windows 10 making it easier to upgrade then before. Try it out today?
Image credit – Microsoft Azure.
Citrix and Microsoft customers have more options now to deploy Windows 10 Enterprise within their organization. XDE Service accelerates Windows 10 Enterprise migration for customers who prefer Microsoft Azure cloud solutions. XDE (XenDesktop Essentials) enables customers who have licensed Windows 10 Enterprise (Current Branch for Business) on a per-user basis the option to deliver a high-performance Windows 10 Enterprise virtual desktop experience from Azure with the power of XD (XenDesktop).

Some of key benefit to business from XDE (XenDesktop Essentials) Services

Accelerate Windows 10 Enterprise migration
XDE (XenDesktop Essentials) simplifies Windows 10 Enterprise migration, expedites desktop deployment, and streamlines ongoing management at scale while delivering a rich user access experience from any device. With cost and speed of delivery in mind, the new Citrix Cloud service is designed to simplify day-to-day operations and reduce the upfront capital expense of migrating to Windows 10 Enterprise making it easier than ever to upgrade.
Harnessing the power of XenDesktop HDX technologies
XDE (XenDesktop Essentials) leverages the power of Citrix HDX technologies to provide every user with secure access to a high-definition Windows 10 Enterprise digital workspace on Azure from any device, including Mac, Android, Windows, and Linux devices. XenDesktop Essentials is the only cloud service that can instantly provision and securely deliver hundreds or thousands of Windows 10 Enterprise desktops on Azure to every user worldwide.
Designed exclusively for Azure Marketplace
XDE (XenDesktop Essentials) is the first Citrix Cloud service to be designed specifically for the Azure Marketplace. Together Citrix and Microsoft are partnering to deliver an integrated onboarding experience for both XenDesktop Essentials and Azure IaaS giving you a single transactional interface to deliver a complete Windows 10 Enterprise digital workspace

  • For Quick and simple deployment, enable customers to leverage and deploy on current and familiar infrastructure.
  • From anywhere connect to their environment with the feel and same look their employees are used to today.
  • With the visibility required to keep your foundation safe, its combine control of cloud and application security.
  • Combine control of cloud and application security with the visibility required to keep your foundation safe

Price overview and compression between XDE and XenApp Service and XenDesktop service
Image credits and references- Citrix website.

Get more than what you think with YASH Cloud Services

Shiv Kishan Suthar -Technical Architect- IMS @ YASH Technologies

Azure Master of the Month | October-2018

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